RoM has been shortlisted in two categories at the Football Blog Awards and is the only United blog in each of them.
Please take a few seconds to vote for us. The voting closes tomorrow.
1. Facebook
2. Twitter – Best established and Best male.
Or tweet: I am voting in @TheFBAs for @R_o_M as the Best #Established Blog
and: I am voting in @TheFBAs for @R_o_M as the Best #Male Blog
3. Give the FBA site your e-mail address and you can vote via their site.
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The RoM Manchester United 2024-25 season preview is now available. It includes articles from the country's best football writers about our expectations for the season ahead and our brightest talents, as well as proposed transfer business and which youth players to keep an eye out for. All profit goes to The Christie so please support this fantastic cause.