Arsene Wenger gave a rousing speech to the Arsenal AGM this afternoon at the Emirates and made a very peculiar claim.

“I hope as well that in many years, people will look at this period and think that we have put the club on the right track and defended the right values and think that together we were not too stupid,” he said. “I believe that the values we defend are highly defendable because we want to do things with class. We want of course to be very ambitious. We want to be very brave. I believe that this club has always been very brave in its decisions. The courage is a quality I admire because it is a highly needed quality in the modern world. I can see a lot of fear and discontent among you and I can understand that because we live in a world where we fight with people who have extremely high resources. The way we can compete is to try to be intelligent but as well to be united because it is very difficult to be consistent in football. We have been more consistent than anybody else in the world in the last 15 years. To stay at the top, top level, we have to be united. That doesn’t mean I am not to be criticised. I accept that is part of my job and that the board has been criticised but to the outside we have to show we are united because that is the only way to survive at the top. It is difficult enough if you are united. If you are not united, you have no chance.”

1997 – United 1st. Arsenal 3rd and won nothing.
1998 – United 2nd and won nothing. Arsenal 1st and won FA Cup
1999 United 1st and won European Cup and FA Cup. Arsenal 2nd and won nothing.
2000 – United 1st. Arsenal 2nd and won nothing.
2001 – United 1st. Arsenal 2nd and won nothing.
2002 – United 2nd and won nothing. Arsenal 1st and won FA Cup.
2003 – United 1st. Arsenal 2nd and won FA Cup.
2004 – United 3rd and won FA Cup. Arsenal 1st.
2005 – United 3rd and won nothing. Arsenal 2nd and won FA Cup.
2006 – United 2nd and won League Cup. Arsenal 4th and won nothing.
2007 – United 1st. Arsenal 4th and won nothing.
2008 – United 1st and won European Cup. Arsenal 3rd and won nothing.
2009 – United 1st and won League Cup. Arsenal 4th and won nothing.
2010 – United 2nd and won League Cup. Arsenal 3rd and won nothing.
2011 – United 1st. Arsenal 4th and won nothing.

In the past 15 years, United have finished 1st on nine occasions. In the same time, Arsenal have finished 2nd five times, 4th four times, and have finished 1st and 3rd three times. So, consistently what, Mr Wenger? Consistently not as good as United? Awkward.

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