Michael Owen scored his third goal of the season against Barnsley this week and has enjoyed a good scoring rate for us so far.

Mike Phelan has today talked of the options we have up front, whether we play Owen in the cups, whether he’s a sub, or if he’s in the starting XI.

“Michael has come to Manchester United as it a fresh challenge for him,” said Phelan. “We can use him as and when we need to use him. He is not at the forefront of everything. It gives him time to prepare and be ready for games like Barnsley. Alternatively we can bring him on as substitute or start him in a first-team game.”

Phelan also talks about the benefits of having a striker like Owen in the team.

“Michael is always looking and always on the move,” he added. “He was quick to take the shot. He got it out of his feet quickly and caught the keeper by surprise. That is the quality of Michael Owen and those qualities are of benefit to us.”

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