Mino Raiola has confirmed that his client, Paul Pogba, who was on the bench yesterday for our game against Wigan, has yet to decide whether he will stay at Manchester United or join Juventus.
“He can remain at Manchester United or go to Juventus,” said Raiola. “It’s a tough decision to be taken by the boy, thinking of his career. Both possibilities present some chances. It’s a choice that should be made quietly. United count on him and want to extend his contract. His future will depend very much on the will of the boy.”
Tuttosport claimed today that Juve have offered him €23,000 a week which works out at just under €1.2m a year. It’s hard to know how true these claims are given they refused to pay Lucas Piazón €1m a year, which lead to his move to Chelsea last year.
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