Cristiano Ronaldo was one of four players who complained to the referee when Wayne Rooney was sent off for supposedly stamping on Ricardo Carlvaho’s balls.

Rather than blame the three England players who then went on to miss their penalty, with the game finishing 0-0 after extra time, this country decided it was Ronaldo’s fault that England got knocked out of the World Cup.

Of course, if Ronaldo had stamped on Steven Gerrard’s balls and Rooney was stood right there but didn’t say anything to the referee, this country would have applauded him for standing by his club team mate, rather than his countryman, whilst wearing the shirt of his country. Er, right.

Rooney has stood up for Ronaldo today though by insisting that during that game he tries to get our former winger booked for diving.

“I went up to the referee and said he had dived and he should be booked,” he said. “No one saw that. Everyone saw mine because it was a red card.”

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