Angel Gomes has been offered a new contract by Manchester United but he hasn’t signed it. His current deal is set to expire tomorrow, suggesting that he has decided to leave the club.

Speaking to the press ahead of tomorrow’s game against Brighton, Ole Gunnar Solskjaer confirmed the youngster, who has been at the club since he was six, is set to leave when asked.

I’ve not heard from him last night or this morning so it seems like they haven’t managed to agree anything. The answer is probably short – yes.

Last week, Solskjaer didn’t sound too bothered about the situation, which is understandable given how infrequently the manager has called on Gomes.

Angel is a top, top kid who we have had at the club for so may years. We’ve offered him a deal, hopefully he takes it. If not, I wish him all the best. Hopefully, from what I understand, it’s not too far away, so if not we wish him all the best.

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