Distance covered
In the first half, United covered a total of 30.81 miles but in the second half upped this to 33.19 miles.
Carrick has covered more distance for United this season than any other player and against Newcastle there were no differences. He covered 6.83 miles over the 90 minutes which is more than any player on either team.
Average speed
Our average speed in the second half dropped to 3.44 miles per hour from 3.69 miles per hour in the first half, whilst Newcastle’s dropped from 4.05 mph to 3.76 mph.
Cleverley replaced Scholes with 20 minutes left to play and averaged the fastest speed.
Top speed
It may come as a surprise that Chris Smalling recorded the highest top speed for United on the day, with 19.07 mph. James Perch was the only player to clock a faster time with 19.57 mph.
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